INFO@CJSCLLC.COM | +1-202-681-5708

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We support communities advocating for aviation noise and air pollution reduction.

About us

What we do:

  • Explain the FAA's noise and land use compatibility planning process (14 CFR Part 150) and what this process can and cannot do to reduce noise impacts
  • Demystify the FAA's noise and air pollution modeling methods
  • Explain the environmental compliance processes for airport development and flight path changes and what these processes can and cannot do to reduce noise and air pollution impacts
  • Review noise roundtable structures and work programs, then propose refinements to increase advocating power

Our experience includes:

  • Co-managing the development of the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT), the FAA's required noise and air pollution model
  • Co-managing the development of the Aviation Emissions and Air Quality Handbook version 3, used nationwide for aviation air pollution compliance
  • Serving as flight path environmental expert and backup facilitator for the LAX/Community Noise Roundtable and the Santa Clara/Santa Cruise Roundtable
  • Serving Project Director and Deputy Director roles for the JFK and LaGuardia noise studies, two of the largest such studies in aviation history
  • Supporting environmental compliance activities for airport and flight path projects at over a dozen airports across the United States

CLICK HERE for our mailing list on the environment, social justice, and related events

CLICK HERE for our summary resume

CLICK HERE for our airport experience table

CLICK HERE for our detailed experience

Specialties include: coaching and facilitation; project and program management; aviation noise; aviation air quality impacts; environmental justice; environmental compliance; the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); the Clean Air Act (CAA) and general conformity; 14 CFR Part 150; FAA Order 1050.1F and Desk Reference; FAA Order JO 7400.2 Chapter 32; the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT); the FAA Aviation Emissions and Air Quality Handbook; public outreach / community engagement; technical writing; and technical editing.

Contact CJSC, LLC

Address: 447 Broadway, 2nd Floor #321, New York, NY 10013

Phone: +1-202-681-5708